Saturday 16 June 2018

Darshan's Kurukshetra Release Date Confirmed!

Muniratna Kurukshetra is the kannada film which is creating lot of expectation among audience. Darshan is the main reason for the expectation on the movie while the other reason is that it is Mythological movie. Darshan previously starred in an historical epic Krantiveera Sangolli Rayanna which is the reason for opting him in Mythological Drama Kurukshetra. Even the same director from Sangolli Rayanna Naganna is directing this Mythological movie Kurukshetra. New Chief Minister Kumarswamy's son Nikhil Gowda is also starring in Kurukshetra as Abhimanyu. While Darshan is playing Duryodana role. Now the latest news of the movie is that the release date and Audio release date has been confirmed.

If we go by our trusted sources Muniratna is all setting up to release the movie on August end and he also planned for huge Audio Release function in june end. As Producer won in this Assembly election we can expect the movie bit earlier. As the elections are all over Producer is now eyeing on movie release with grand promotions. As of now the 2D copy of the movie is already in the hands of Muniratna while the 3D portion post production is in final stage. He will announce the exact date of Audio release as soon as the 3D copy is ready.
Other than Darshan and Nikhil many big stars are also starring in the movie including Arjun Sarja,Sonu sood,Ravishankar,Yashas Surya,Srinath,Srinivas Raju,Bharathi and many senior actors and young actors are starring in this Mythological movie Kurukshetra.